First off, he knew I wasn't from the area since I was dressed in flip flops, t-shirt and capri's in 50 degree weather. I asked him if it was ok if I took some pictures and he didn't mind. In fact, he offered for me to snap away across the street or "down there yonder" where he had another ranch.
The unexpected turn led to a heart warming story. They are beautiful creatures.
We continued our journey and saw a sign for cave tours in Sonora, Texas. I thought, it's still might be a fun thing to do. I've never taken a cave tour before. So, off I went. The tour guide was a nice young gentleman. Lucky for me, I was the only one on the tour. I handed him my laminated ticket and into the cave we went...for a few hours.
Most of the formations in the cave has a name by the way it looks. So, I was in for a treat! Two hours of...cave bacon, bear hugs, fork, toothbrush, lion tail, rhino, shark tail, fish tail, butterfly, football player, ice cream sundae, leg, baby bottle, lamp, elephant, lion head, dragon tail, look!, more cave bacon...maybe you might get the point?
It was an interesting time.
I would recommend the the Caverns if you are in the area. And if you have never taken a cave's pretty spectacular. These pictures don't do them justice.